Come & Sing!

Saturday 4th May, 2024 at 10am-4pm
St Paul's Church, Winchester SO22 5AB
£20 (age 21 and under, £10)


Come & Sing – help us to celebrate 40 years of choral excellence with Southern Voices in a choral workshop.

40 years of singing together is a big achievement and the choir’s popularity has endured throughout the years. Come and find out what it’s like to sing with Southern Voices under our fantastic conductor, Jamal Sutton. Our programme for the day has a 'joyful' theme, with music drawn from the English Choral tradition over the last 120 years. It’s on the ambitious side, but all enjoyable music and we will have a good sing!

Our accompanist will be the immensely talented George Castle.


God is Gone Up - Finzi
Great is the Lord - Elgar
Hail, Gladdening Light - Wood
Learned poets - Chilcott (from Little Jazz Madrigals)
Fire, fire - Chilcott (from Little Jazz Madrigals)


10.00 -10.30 Arrive, register and pick up music
10.30 – 12.30 Workshop (including a short break)
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch break - please bring a packed lunch
13.30 – 14.30 Workshop
14.30 – 15.00 Tea break
15.00 Free Concert (30 minutes).  Please invite your friends & family!
16.00 End

Free tea, coffee and biscuits will be available. Car parking is limited at the church; please use nearby Winchester car parks and allow time to walk to the church.

Don’t be shy, come and sing with us – we really look forward to seeing you there!