Your donation - large or small - will help us continue to bring a wide range of choral music to our audiences.  Please use the donation buttons below to donate whatever amount you are comfortable with.
  • Every ten donations of £20 enable us to cover our programme costs;
  • Every ten donations of £50 enable us to cover our venue costs for a concert;
  • A donation of £100 helps cover our Choral Scholarship programme for a young scholar for one term. 
We also greatly welcome one-off major donations.  These may be in memory of someone for whom choral music was a lifelong passion, or be in support of a particular project or initiative.  Likewise, we would be very pleased to talk with you if you are interested in giving a legacy, either as a fixed sum or as a percentage of the estate.  Should you wish to contact us we would be delighted to discuss it in the strictest confidence.  Please contact Toby at .

Thank you to everyone who is able to support the work of Southern Voices in this way.

Support Southern Voices
We are a not-for-profit organisation, and welcome donations, no matter how large or small
Donation amount: