Come and Sing Reviews

Come and Sing Reviews
Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Mark Wainwright
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sat, 25 May 2024
"What a great opportunity to sing some new music, make new friends and give a concert in just a few hours in a Saturday. It was lovely to experience the amazing sound that Southern Voices make under the direction of their MD Jamal. The Come and Sing day was fun and educational and a great way of boosting confidence for singers of all abilities. Happy Anniversary to Southern Voices, looking forward to attending more events during the year."

-- Jenny

  "On Saturday 4th May, I attended the Southern Voices “Come and Sing”. I was keen to embrace the opportunity to sing with a renowned local choir, and both excited and apprehensive in equal measure to tackle what looked like a challenging programme for such an event. Any early nerves at taking on 4 pieces I had not previously sung (Finzi: God is Gone Up; Elgar: Great is the Lord and the Chilcott Madrigals: Fire, fire and Learned Poets) were quickly allayed by the warm welcome from the SV regulars, and their talented Musical director, Jamal Sutton.

As the rehearsal progressed, we were coaxed and encouraged through the pieces at a pace that certainly required concentration but never felt overwhelming, not least thanks to the patience and talent of Jamal. There was plenty of opportunity to chat with like-minded musical folk during the well-spaced (and well-catered!) breaks.

The day culminated in a short concert where we demonstrated to a small, but perfectly formed audience what we had achieved in our day of rehearsal. The whole experience was a joy from beginning to end and I relished the opportunity to explore music I had not previously sung, in the company of lovely people, led by an amazing talent. More please!"

-- Anne